So I know that I am talking about change a lot and helping others but if I'm going to try and be an inspiration to everyone Ive got to be honest with all of you, I haven't been taking care of myself for quite some time now. A few months ago, back around November I just up and stopped taking care of myself. I only did my blood glucose or sugar as i call it sometimes maybe 2 times a day, and when I did do it, it was usually higher than high, on top of that I wasn't taking correction when my sugar was high, and I wasn't taking my insulin when I ate either, so basically the only insulin i was getting was the hourly bolus from my pump, a really bad road to go down. So I was like this through November, December , and the first few weeks of January. But that changed when one night I was watching Oprah reruns and she was talking about "The Secret " and how it changed so many people's life's I was instantly intrigued so I watched. The next day my mother and I went out and bought the secret in movie form (I'm still awaiting its arrival in book form ) we watched and wow was all I could say I just didn't know what else I could say, it was a little complex and hard to understand at first but after I really focused I got what they were telling me. So that night I figured out everything I needed to do and wrote a list: test my sugar 6 times a day or more, take my insulin every time I ate , and write it all down: my sugar, the time, the date, if I took correction, what I ate, and how much insulin for it all . So later that night I made up a contract saying all this and more, and the next time I went to the doctors I signed it, my diabetic manager signed it, and so did my dad. Before we left the doctors my diabetic manager said to me ", Morgan where did all of this change come from?" I turned to her and said simply I have learned the secret.
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